Week 3(first phase teaching practice)

 We have completed 3 weeks of first phase teaching practice 

 In this third week I have taken chemistry classes in 9F class on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday I have started new chapter 'non metals'. In that chapter I have discussed about hydrogen, displacement reaction, laboratory preparation of hydrogen. Next day I have discussed about oxygen non metal.In that chapter I have discussed about preparation of oxygen, decomposition reaction and combustion reaction.Students could understand the concept through discussion observation and engaging in activities.

I have got substitution classes in 9F.Thus I have provided chemistry notes for students.

I have taken physics class in 8J on Wednesday and Friday. There I have taught  image formation in concave mirrors when object at F, between C and F, and object between P and F.Students could understand drawing of  ray diagrams through discussion and activities.

I got substitution classes in 8J. I have provided the physics notes on topics I have already taught.

I used my leisure time for  writing lesson plans

All days we have noon meal serving duty and discipline duty.

Overall this week was fine and good 👍


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