Week 8 (first phase teaching practice)

 We have completed 8 weeks of first phase teaching practice

After Christmas vacation school was opened on January 1 2024

On Monday I have chemistry class in 9F class. Only 15 students out of 52 were presented in class. There I have provided the corrected chemistry answer papers for students and entered the marks. I also cleared the doubts of students related to some questions

Tuesday was public holiday

On Wednesday I have physics class in 8J class on 4th period. There I have taught about pitch and loudness. Students could understand concept through discussion and doing activities. Then I have provided the corrected physics answer sheets for students and entered the marks. In 5th period I have chemistry class in 9F. There I have done the diagnostic test on the topic salt from the chapter Acid base and salts. Students were actively participated in test.After that I provided the chemistry answer papers of their christmas exams for absentees in  previous class and entered the marks

On Thursday I didn't have any classes to teach We met HM and asked for permission to take the conscientization class and decided to conduct on next Tuesday. I have substitution duty in 5th period in 8k

On Friday I have physics class in 8J. There I have taken the topic propagation of sound. Students could understand the concept through discussion and doing activities. On third period I have substitution class in 9F. There I have revised the topics of chapter non metals that I have already taught.

Saturday was working day on Tuesday's timetable. I have chemistry class in 9F . There I have taken the topic bleaching action of chlorine and it's chemistry. Students got the concept through discussion and doing activities.I have substitution duty in second and third period.Afternoon 2pm onwards there was PTA meeting for students.So there was no classes from 2pm. 

Overall this week was fine and good 


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