week 2 (second phase teaching practice)

 I have completed 2 weeks of my second phase teaching practice.

 On Tuesday I had physics class in 8B. There  I have taken method of finding thickness of a paper, metal wire and length of curved line. I had physics class in 8D. there  I have taken smaller and bigger units of length. Some substitution duty were also got in this day

On Wednesday reading day was celebrated in school. Special assembly was conducted on school. There was speech about importance of reading.

I had physics class in 8C. There I have taken the topic smaller units of length, method to find out the thickness of paper, thickness of metal wire and length of curved line through discussion observation and doing activities.I had physics class in 8B.There I have taken the topic diameter of sphere and bigger and smaller units of length. I had chemistry class in 9D. There I have taken discovery of proton and gold foil experiment. Students got the concept through discussion observation and doing activities.

On Thursday I had physics class in 8B and 8D. There I have taken the topic precautions to be taken while measuring the length through ICT supported lesson plan. Substitution classes were also got in some classes 

On Friday l have physics class in 8D. There I have taken the topic mass through ICT supported lesson plan. I got substitution class in 9D. There I have taken the topic plum pudding model of atom through advance organizer model. I had chemistry class in 9D. There I have taken the topic planetary model of atom. Students got the concept through discussion observation and doing activities

On Saturday I have physics class in 8C.There l have taken the topic method to find the diameter of sphere and smaller and bigger units of length. Some substitution class were also got in this week.

Every days we have noon meal serving duty and discipline duty.Overall this week was good and nice☺️


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