




week 8 (second phase teaching practice)

 We successfully completed our second phase teaching practice on July 31 st In this week I had physics class in 8B and 8C There I taught the topic speed and velocity and uniform and non uniform speed. I used the ppt slides, activity cards for delivering the concept. Students could understand the concept of difference between velocity and speed and uniform and non uniform speed through discussion observation and doing activities. There I provided the answer sheets of mid term examination and marked the marks on evaluation sheets and handover to the concerned teachers. I had chemistry class in 9D. There I provided the notes related to the topic I taught and provided the answer sheets of mid term examination and marked the marks on evaluation sheets and handover to the concerned teachers.  In this week all days I had substitution duties and noon meal serving duty and discipline duty. I used my leisure time for correcting the answer sheets of mid term examination given by my concern teache

Week 7(second phase teaching practice)

 We completed 7 weeks of second phase teaching practice  Mid term examination was started from Monday onwards. We had the duty for arranging the question papers. Assembly was conducted by the science club members as part of Chandrayan day. There was speech, songs and simple skit related to this day.  I had physics class in 8C. There I taught the topic displacement. Students could understand the method of finding distance and displacement through activities. I had exam duty of mid term examination  On Tuesday mid term exam was conducted on second period and sixth period.I had exam duty in two periods. I presented my innovative work in 9D class. It was a game. It was based on the chapter structure of atom that I have taught. Students was very interesting on seeing my innovative work.After the national anthem I had exam duty of mid term examination of std 10. It was from 3:45pm to 4:15 pm  On Wednesday mid term examination was conducted on 3rd period and 7th period. I had exam duty in two

Week 6(second phase teaching practice)

 We completed 6 weeks of second phase teaching practice.  On Monday I had  physics class in 8C. There I discussed the let us assess questions and provided the notes related to the chapter motion. Then I got some substitution duties in different classes.  On Wednesday I had  physics class in 8C. There I conducted the achievement test based on the chapter measurements and units. I had chemistry class in 9D. There I taught electron configuration of elements and their position in periodic table. Students got the concept through discussion observation and doing activities. I had a physics class in 8B. There also I conducted the achievement test. I got substitution duty in 8B. I taught a new chapter motion.I taught about reference body and state of rest and motion. Students got the concept through discussion observation and daily life examples.  On Thursday I had physics class in 8C. I taught the topic distance and displacement. I had a physics class in 8B. I taught the topic distance and di

Week 5(second phase teaching practice)

 We completed five weeks of our second phase teaching  On Monday there was assembly conducted by 8A students  I got substitution duty in 8D. There I provided the remedial class for the diagnostic test that I conducted based on the topic fundamental unit and derived unit. I got substitution duty in 9D.There I discussed the let us assess questions. I had physics class in 8C. There I  taught rules to be followed while writing the units. Students got the concept through discussion observation and doing activities. On Tuesday I didn't have any classes to teach. I got some substitution duties in different classes  On Wednesday I had physics class in 8C.My optional teacher observed my class. In that class I started a new chapter motion. I thought the topic reference body and state of rest and state of motion. Students could understand the concept through daily life examples. I had a physics class in 8B. There I taught the rules to be followed while writing the units. I had chemistry class